New Wave Gippsland — Website
20 February 2023
Self advocacy and inclusion are so important today to put everyone on par and help people connect and be informed. Having lots of experience in the disability sector Blick was contacted by New Wave Gippsland to work with them to develop a new website with detailed consultation and input from their members, specifically for their needs.
New Wave is made up of 4 self advocacy groups that are run by and for people with intellectual disability and acquired brain injury (ABI) living in Gippsland.
To meet their needs and expectations this website was built not only to AA accessibility standards, but also for usability and to support the needs of their community. Using large buttons to navigate, images for people to easily identify, and a simple design with accessibility tools the website is a practical solution for people with intellectual disability. The website includes information, news, events and member profiles — A truly great community and project to be involved with.